corporate development

Find acquisition targets 10x faster

Mock up image of Inven software UI
Explore synergistic acquisition targets with AI
Inven simplifies the search for synergistic targets by identifying companies with the highest potential worldwide. Our model streamlines the process, saving you time and effort.
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Why Inven

Outperform your competition with Inven

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Find prospects internationally

Identify and monitor the best ready-to-sell targets from anywhere in the world with AI.
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Be on top of the competition

Gain insights into your competitors across various markets and analyze their strategies for customer acquisition and profitability.
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Connect with the owners

Inven identifies the right people at the target company for you, so you can connect with them straight away. You’ll have the contact data of 430M+ professionals at your fingertips.
Mock up image of Inven software UI

millions of data points

Find what your competitors are missing

Using Inven you'll find potential M&A targets with synergies fast and efficiently. Using just a single example company, Inven will give you a list of all the relevant companies out there with proprietary data points.


Unlock hidden insights

Our AI analyses millions of websites and datapoints so that you don't need to. With the company lists we'll give you access to unique insights, such as:
  • Competitive landscape
  • Financial performance
  • Business model
  • Ownership
Mock up image of Inven software UI
Mock up image of Inven software UI


Get verified contact data

With Inven you get access to verified contact data on 430M+ professionals with a focus on titles such as CEO, Founder, Owner, Head of M&A, CFO etc. This way you find the right people to talk right away.
See how Inven works
No more detective work or endless Google searches. Inven makes it easy to find companies based on what they actually do, with all the relevant data points and insights.
Get started
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Our tech
Cutting-Edge AI solution
Inven’s AI algorithms and NLP solutions analyze millions of data points from a wide range of sources to give you actionable insights on any niche.











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